Saturday, 14 December 2013

We are off on another adventure!!

So recently, Matthew and I moved in with my parents... eeeeek!! I was sooooo nervous before moving in, I didnt want arguments between us all, or for my parents to treat me like a little girl again but we have been here for about a month now and it has been amazing.
Before we moved my job had me sleeping over and staying away from Matthew ALOT, even on Sundays. So Matthew found things very hard as he had just moved from Liverpool, studying in University (so being very busy) to Wales, where he was working from home, his phone lost signal allll the time, I was hardly there and obviously it was out in the country so it was VERY quiet. So he just found it super hard. Having no Uni grants anymore, building up your own buisness and just working 25 hours a week made us not have a lot of money and actually made us lose loads! So things were very stressful for the both of us, so one day we just came up with the idea that if things get really bad we can always move in with the parents, we did a pros and cons list and reallllyyy thought about ho it would be at my parents and obviously things got worse so we ended up moving in.
When we moved in, that weekend was just D.I.Y the whole weekend (well, Maff did everything haha....girls aint no good at that!) So we made the bedroom how we would like our own home to be. Really classy and modern. We love it. Maff worked so hard on it all cause he wanted it to be perfect for me awwwwww!! (how cute is my hubby????)

                      This is our gorgeous new bedroom that my Maff made perfect for us.. 

Maff loves hanging out with my brothers, they get on really well and my little sister loves us being around. She's currently waiting for her boyfriend who is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so I think having adults around to talk to (other than the parents) is really good for her. She comes into our room every night and chats with us on the bed about everything really. Me and Char have always been the ones to play with dolls together and get in to so much trouble for being naughty and not tidying our room and I guess growing up I would never imagine Char waiting for a missionary cause she's always been naughty Char haha. So it's really nice to have adult conversations with her and hear about her life and how she's coping with her boyfriend away. She is absolutley amazing... I really don't think I could do what she's doing. She's growing up so much every single day, it's really nice to see.

                                 This is me and my Beaut little sister.... how gorgeous is she?! 

       My gorgeous Charly with her boyfriend who is serving a full time mission in Utah, Ogden. 

So, at the minute Maff is still working from home, buidling up his buisness, but he is doing sooooo well here! I'm very proud of him... I am currently working 10 hours a week, which I LOVE!!!! andddddd Maff gets to come with me for them shifts yayyyy, even better. I'm still a support worker but now I work with a young boy who has Cerebral Palsy. We know him and his family from church so we are very grateful for letting us work for them. But he is the most gorgeous boy in the world! We have grown to love him so much. He loves Matthew, as he's a scouser, he just laughs at Maff's accent the whole time haha it makes us laugh so much. This young boy is soo kind, and caring and loving and he has just the most sweetest spirit. You can tell that he loves his parents so much for everything they do with him.
Hopefully, Maff and I can save enough money up by next Christmas to be able to move out, and who knows maybe we'll have a little bambino ;)  Watch this space! <3


  1. Your bedroom is excellent. Matthew did good!

    I can't imagine you being naughty xx

  2. hahahaha me and Char got in trouble alllllll the time seriously x
