So as my first blog post I thought I would write about how Matthew and I met and our wedding day as they are really where my adventure begins with the most amazing man in the world.
It was on a Thursday and I had just done a really long shift in Hollister. I was soo tired I just wanted to go home, put my pj's on and just chill out. But, my sister had been texting someone and was meeting him at Institute at the Manchester stake centre as he was setting up decorations for a dance for the following night with some of his friends from his stake. Then afterwards they were going to go for a krispy kreme doughnuts.
I really did not want to go, 1) I had never been to institute before and 2) who on earth wants to be a third wheel on a date or have to make small talk with people you do not know when your soo super tired... erm not me!!
So anyway's I decided to go in the end cause I felt bad as my sister wouldn't have met this guy if I didn't. So we arrive and we go and say hi to this guy who's stood in a group with all his friends, they all say hi to us and then carry on there conversations with others, but Matthew turns round, says hi and shakes our hand and chats with us. We head off to Krispy kremes and Matthew and his friend stay with me and Jec, chatting with us loads and making us laugh soo much...they are scousers after all and all scousers are hilarious! I come home quite happy that I went really as I had a really good night and then Jec comes in to my bedroom and says "erm Melissa, Roundeye likes you!" I honestly think I died a little in side! I just couldn't believe that he would like me when I felt so rough after work and he was so much older then me. I just kept on thinking about it all night and the next day and the next, and then me Jec, Matthew and his friend decided to hang out and go play crazy golf and get a bar burritos. Again, we met after work as me and Jec both worked in Hollister and so it was much easier for us to hang out at the Trafford Centre. We had such a good time! I was dreading those first few dates, eating infront of boys was soooooooo scary as I always make a fool of myself and I didn't want Matthew to think I was a reject haha thankfully, because I hardly ate and when I did, I ate very slow, no embarressing moments happened PHEWW!.. they just all happened to Jec hahah! We hung out quite a lot as four, I think like every weekend and the occasional weekday and each time was soo much fun and I just came away laughing my head off. Eventually, after about a month Matthew asked me out on a date on our own ARGHHHHHH how scary!! I was sooooo nervous as I'm quite shy so I didn't want there to be the dreaded awkward silences or embaress myself. We had such a good night! Matthew took me to a really nice italian restaurant by my house and then we went and walked around Hollingworth Lake. We talked all night and laughed at each other it was soo nice, we then went and sat by the lake and had our first kiss oooo!!! Beforehand, Matthew said that he only ever kisses girls that he is actually going out with so after our kiss he said "so, I guess i'm your boyfriend now." and held my hand as we walked back round the lake. I actually think I screamed ALOT inside! I was soo happy and excited eek, it was like something from a movie.
So we started dating in the June and told each other we loved each other in the September and just knew we wanted to marry each other but got engaged the following April. To some it may seem like a short time dating, but trust me, in the Mormon world one year dating is a VERY long time.
At a Huddersfield Dance only a few months into dating.
A date at the beach. We had been dating only a couple of weeks here awwww...
When Matthew proposed I just knew it was going to happen, I just had a crazy feeling all weekend. So on the Sunday he took me up to the Moors and we sat looking over Manchester (it actually looked really nice from up there) and he was telling me how much he loved me and me to him and then as we were going he stood up and said pick your bag up and so when I turned back round he was on one knee ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I just couldn't respond, I hugged him and all I could say was "oh my days oh my days oh my days." haha, ofcourse eventually I did say yes! I was sooo excited and happy and I just could not believe that I was ENGAGED! It felt like a dream, the most perfect dream!..
The day that he proposed hehe!!
My favourite engagemt photo of us <3
So the stresses of planning a wedding came and on the
20th August 2011 I married my best friend in the whole world. It was the most perfect day I could ever imagine. Everything just looked amazing. The things that I rememeber the most now are being soo happy and just being with Matthew. I don't remember the food or any of the guests or even the stresses before hand because my day was just so special. The most special part for me though was the Temple. Being a Mormon, every girl dreams of their wedding day and getting sealed to their husbands for time and all eternity in the House of the Lord. It was even more perfect then I had imagined. kneeling across the alter making promises to each other and of course to our Father in Heaven, surrounded by our family and friends was just amazing. I am so grateful for my Parents for teaching me what's right so that I could live my life in such a way that would allow me to enter the Lords house with my Husband, knowing that I can be with my Husband and my children forever is such a beautiful gift.


Maff and I with my Grandpa, Grandad and Matthew's Grandma... I wish my Grandma's could have been there too.
Matthew with the tiniest bridemaid...gorgeous girl.
Matthew with his best men and all of his best friends.
My Daddy and I. So precious to walk down the aisle with him.
All of my beautiful Bridesmaids.
I felt like the happiest girl in the world.
Now, Matthew and I have been married for 2 years and 4 months. WOW! What an amazing 2 years it has been. We have had some challenges like any other marriage but choosing to go to Institute on that night was the best decision I have EVER made. Matthew is such an amazing man. He teaches me soo much, he's such a great example to me and he really does treat me like a Princess. I know that he loves me with all his heart and that he would do anything for me and I love him more than anything in this world. I am so blessed to have a Temple marriage knowing that I am going to be with my best friend Forever.
At my Jeccy's wedding... Such a beautiful day.
Oreo milkshakes... YUMMMMMM.
On holiday in Tenerife... The best holiday EVER.
Our first anniversary in the Hilton Hotel in Liverpool.
My babe graduated from University with a 2:1 in Psychology... sooooooo proud of him.
Our Second anniversary, a night out in Cheshire Oaks... We laughed soo much that night our stomachs hurt.
I am the happiest girl in the world with my Maffry by my side.
Date nights in the park ahhhh bliss.