Wednesday, 30 April 2014

"The woman I'll be someday..."

So this post is quite sad but at the same time, happy. Today -  30/4/2014 is 5 years since my beautiful Grandma passed through the veil. So I thought I'd write today's post as a little recognition for BOTH of my Grandma's who have passed away.

My Grandma Moore (my Mum's Mommy) died when I was about 10 years old. I can't believe how fast those years have gone. I remember the day so well when my Mum came home crying her heart out because she had just lost her Mum. Even though I was so young when she died I have some amazing memories with her. Her and my Grandpa had a caravan in Bridlington and had done since my Mum was young and so we spent many school holidays and weekends there with them and then when she died my Mum would take me, Char and the boys alll the time - my dad had to work :( and Jec thought she was too cool to come to the caravan. But I LOVED the caravan. My Grandma suffered with Multiple Schlorosis and so was in a wheel chair for all of my life, but she would still never let that get her down. I never heard her complain at being in a wheel chair and not being able to walk and would just sit and watch us play with our friends outside the caravan or come with us on day trips into Brid and watch us on the rides. My Grandma would always take soo much interest in to our lives. Every Birthday she would get me Baby Born things, money for new baby born things or a new doll- I loved dolls and baby born. And for Christmas I remember she bought me one year a tea party set of Peter Rabbit, Thomas the Tank Engine giant book- I loved Thomas the Tank Engine haha and another of my favourites, the complete Noddy collection, How amazing right?! I'm not sure where the Thomas the Tank engine book is but the Noddy collection I will definatley be reading our babies. I also remember the times going over to her and Grandpa's house and watching Lady and the Tramp with my sisters, or Goodnight Mr Tom whilst eating all of her strawberry and custard boiled sweets. My Grandma was just a beautiful woman, inside and out. My Dad often mentions her and speaks so highly of her because she was amazing. My Mum definatley takes after her. Unfortunatley, my Grandma suffered with cancer in her Panreas and couldn't be treated for it because of her M.S and so passed away from them but on her funeral we were able to see her in her coffin. She looked so beautiful and so peaceful. It's sad that now she's gone from this life but I know that she's doing just fine. We believe that when we die our spirits are perfect and so I know without a doubt that she's in the spirit world with lots of new friends and my Cousin and my other Grandma, walking around and still being that beautiful woman.

My Grandma Monk (my Dad's Mommy) Passed away 5 years ago today. She was also amazing, she was very tough but amazing. My Grandma raised Six children all on her own. My dad and my Auntie's would often say how she worked soo hard and how many jobs she would have to try and raise money for her family. My Grandma would tell me stories too and she never complained about the work load being too much or having to do it on her own, she just got on with it. I loved going to her house of a weekend, watching disney films with her and chatting and I loved watching her and my Grandad together. They loved each other soo much, they made me laugh at how they were together, they would tell each other they loved each other all the time but sometimes they would really tease one another and call each other cheeky names. One time I'd gone round to see them and I had a new phone and so my Grandma was looking at it, she was phoning up their house phone and making my Grandad answer but when he did she would quickly hang up. He put the phone down and said "oh you know them kids." Me and Grandma were laughing our heads off. Eventually we told my Grandad and he just shook his head. He still talks about that now. She would make us all laugh at how she wouldn't be bothered at what people thought of her, she would tell them straight of what she thought of them and sometimes that was hard to be on the other end of but she never let anyone walk all over her so it was a good thing. She struggled hearing sometimes and so we would say something and repeat back to us something that had absolutley nothing to do with what we'd just said - My Dad is EXACTLY the same haha. My Grandma found out she had cancer and suffered with it for two long years - how awful is that disease?! Towards the end it was very difficult to see her but all the same I still loved to go round. Again, even with the worst disease she could ever have and fighting soo strongly through it she never once complained. Everytime I would go round she would tell me that she was going to fight it. And she really did fight it. The only time I saw her sad about it was when an advert for Race for Life came on the t.v and my Auntie had text her saying she was going to run for her in it - how amazing are my Aunties?? Eventually the Cancer got too much for her and she was taken to Springhill Hospice. I knew then that it was time. Now the cancer had really gotten to her. I went to see her once when she was there and she was soo tired and skinny and she just said "where's Brian? I want Brian" (My Grandad.) I knew I had to be strong in there for her but as soon as we came away I cried and cried. Then on Thursday 30th April 2009, my Dad recieved a phone call and was told to go to the hospice, I knew then that today was the day. I phoned my Mum after school and she said "she's gone." I really couldn't hold back the tears. I cried and cried and just couldn't believe she was gone but I was so happy for her that she was to feel no more pain. Like my Grandma Moore, my Dad took me and my Sisters to see her in the funeral place a few days later and again, she looked beautiful and so peaceful. I knew that she was in a better place.

It's so hard when we lose loved ones, I still cry now when songs that were sung at both Grandma's funerals are sung at Church because I really miss them, but Both of my Grandma's have taught me that I can be strong and courageous through anything and to love my family and work hard for them, that's why this blog post today is entitled, "the woman i'll be someday" because i hope that I can be such a wonderful Mother, Wife, Grandma and friend that these amazing women were. I cannot even put into words how much I love our Gospel. To know that we can be together forever is such a beautiful thing. I know that I'll see both of my Grandma's again someday and I really cannot wait for that day. "God be with you 'till we meet again.."

Grandma Moore, Grandpa and my Mum. Beautiful <3

Grandma Monk on my Mum and Dad's wedding day. Beautiful <3

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Bouncing baby..... BOY!

I am now 21 weeks pregnant, yes TWENTY ONE WEEKS PREGNANT!! Where on earth is time going?! So last week we had the 20 week scan, I haven't wrote about it because we've been too busy buying things and having the most amazing weekend in Wales seeing my Auntie, Uncle and cousins.
The scan was sooo special. Obviously before hand I was a nervous wreck because I wanted our little baba to be okay and plus this was the anomaly scan so they really look into detail at all parts of the baby. Seriously, the couple of weeks leading up to the scan I could have turned into a ball of wool, I was knitting all the time cause I wanted to take my mind off things and not worry, I didn't touch my finger nails once though, YAY!

So anyway, the morning of the scan I was sooooooo nervous!!! Matthew's parents and my Mum came with us, the Mum's came into the scan room but Matthew's Dad wants it as a surprise so he didn't come in. It was lovely having them there, even if they could only come in at the very end. I still had my Maff in there with me and he made me feel sooo relaxed as he always does. I lay on the bed and this time it was a different nurse, she was amazing! She really told me what was going to be happening, what she was going to look at etc and said that she was really sorry but she wouldn't be able to talk as she really needs to concentrate. I felt sooooo at ease! Especially as she showed us our little baby before she did the tests. HE was the most gorgeous little person in the world. It was amazing seeing the baby on the 12 week scan but for the 20 week scan it was just the most amazing thing I've ever seen, he looked like a proper baby and he was sucking his thumb ahhhhhhhhh, we saw his little mouth moving as he was sucking and then the nurse moved the machine down and we saw his amazing little heartbeat fluttering away so well andddddddddd we saw a little winkle! IT'S A BOYYYY! I didn't see it as I was wiping my eyes because I was just sooo happy at seeing him but Maff just turned to me and whispered "I think we're having a boy." The nurse carried on with the test and said everything had developed well, his heart, his brain, his teeny tiny lungs, his ligaments - although it took her a while to see them because little man was wriggling around as usual hehe! But then she showed us his little spine - WOW that was amazing, she said the spine had developed really well yayy!! - Obviously them gigantic, minging vitamins and minerals tablets really help. And then before the Mum's came in she said that it is "pretty clear your having a boy!" and she also said that he's the right size for 20 weeks and a little bigger- uh oh, does this mean I'm going to have a 9lb baby like his daddy?! arghhhhhh! The Mum's were soo happy! He was actually waving when they came to look :) what a cutie!

Maff and I are soooooooo unbelievably happy. We were very shocked that it was a boy because we just felt that it was going to be a girl, plus I'd done every single gender test a million times and they ALL came out with girl - I won't be doing them again! People keep on saying, "are you dissapointed that it's not a girl?" Are they for real?! Maff and I are going to be a Mummy and Daddy to the most amazing gift we could ever want! We have created the most amazing thing on this planet and I have the most greatest pleasure to be able to carry him in my stomach and help him to grow, he's going to be a Mummy's boy for sure and him and Daddy are going to be the bestest of friends - WE CANNOT WAIT!! 

Now he's growing soooo fast! We actually have 19 weeks left until the due date (unless he comes earlier) and then we get to hug and kiss him soo much!! He can now recognise voices and songs yay! Maff talks to him all the time and has done since we found out I was pregnant. I love it when he talks to him cause it must be hard for a man as he doesn't get to feel the same things as me, but Maff really makes an effort, I think he's going to be such a wonderful Daddy! Little man is kicking me sooo much, I love it. He kicks even more as I'm just about to head off to sleep or wayy too early in the morning- little monkey! This week I've been singing "My Heavenly Father loves me" and "Love is spoken here" both from the LDS primary song book and little man LOVES it! He kicks me tons when I sing these to him yayyyyy!!
Maff and I love him sooooooo much and talk about him every day. We've been buying a few things already and it makes it seem sooo real - Our little baby will be in these outfits and in this Moses basket - yes I already have his Moses Basket, Asda baby and toddler event is amazing...  in just a few short months- Say whatttt?! We are the happiest Mummy and Daddy in the world and feel sooooooo blessed right now!

Love Missy x

 These are just a few things that I knitted before my scan to keep me busy, I made a blanket and started on a cardigan too :) Obviously I won't be putting little man in the poncho wahhh :( 

20 weeks, me and my two Babies- Maffry Bear and Baby Bear in my belly <3

The start of the presents for baby :) He has tons already! yayy!

                              21 weeks and the sun is out yayyy, my bump is finally growing

And here he is...... The most gorgeous little man in the whole world! <3 <3 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

16 Weeks....

So tomorrow I will actually be 18 weeks pregnant - sayy whaaattttt?! but I completely forgot to write about my 16 week midwife appointment as I've been totally busy.... SLEEPING! haha. So here it is now.

Firstly, my midwife appointment was at 9:20am which is fine and usually we would be there wayyy early, as I get too nervous of missing my appointment, but Matthew and I had the worst nights sleep as our silly car alarm kept going off alllllllll night. So when we had to deal with that andddd me being up for the toilet allll night- we were exhausted!! So we overslept and were rushing to our appointment. We actually got there for 9.30 when appointments only last 10 minutes so the midwife was rushing us in.
Because we were rushing I completely forgot that I needed to bring a urine sample for every midwife appointment, which is crazy for me as I've been bugging everyone about my appointments for weeks and usually have everything organised the week before, but anywho, the Midwife gave me a sample tube and told me to go and do a sample now... whaaattt?! I really didn't need the toilet then- probably the one and only time I don't need the toilet in my whole life- typical!  But I tried and was in there for about an hour (obviously exaggerating just a little there) and eventually came out with the most measliest sample you've ever seen! Matthew just laughed his head off after the appointment haha. Butttt she was still able to get what she needed from it so it's not all bad.

Anyway, after that whole thing she eventually got me on the bed and we got to listen to our baby's heartbeat. It was the most precious thing in the world. I wasn't even worried about the heartbeat - so weird for me to not be worried  because I just knew everything was fine as i've felt it move around loads already, but hearing the heartbeat was just perfect. It was really strong and fast and the midwife said it was a really good heartbeat for 16 weeks yayyy!!! anddddd Baby Pip was doing what Baby Pip does best - WRIGGLING! we heard it moving around in my belly - so cute! Maff was loving it, he said it felt so real hearing the heartbeat and listening to it move around. I just loveee looking at Maff's face when we go to the scan and when we were listening to the heartbeat. As soon as he sees the baby on the screen at the scan and as soon as we could hear that little heartbeat Maff's face just lights up - it's so precious to see and, at the scans reassures me sooooo much!

We have the 20 week scan on the 16th April and seems like forever away right now. We just can't wait to see it again and make sure everything's okay and hopefully find out if it's a baby girl or baby boy. I'm wayyy too impatient and keep looking at things on the internet of how to tell early what gender the baby is haha Maff thinks i'm crazy but I think deep down he loves it when I tell him these crazy theories and tell him the results ahha. We just can't wait to spoil it ROTTEN! We now have 5 months to go until we get to meet Pip which is going sooooooooo fast right now but we are just more and more excited all the time to see what it looks like and cuddle and love it sooooooo much.

Love Missy x